The more we get to know God and His heart (character and attributes), the more we will prioritize Him in our life; the more we will worship Him (be filled with gratitude); and the more we will want to be like His Son Jesus [READ 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 & John 14:23].  The attributes of God are:

  1. He if infinite and self existing without origin [READ Colossians 1:7].

  2. He is immutable and never changes [READ Romans 8:35-39].

  3. He is self sufficient [READ John 5:26].

  4. He is omnipotent and is all powerful [READ 2 Corinthians 6:18].

  5. He is omniscient - He is all knowing [READ Isaiah 46:9-10].

  6. He is omnipresent - He is always everywhere [READ Psalm 137].

  7. He is wise and full of perfect and unchanging wisdom [READ Romans 11:3].

  8. He is faithful and unchanging and infinitely true [READ Deuteronomy 7:9].

  9. He is good and is unchanging and infinitely kind and full of good will [READ Psalm 34].

  10. He is just and is right and perfect in all He does [READ Deuteronomy 32:4].

  11. He is merciful and infinitely and unchangeably compassionate and kind [READ Romans 9:15-16].

  12. He is gracious and inclined to spare the guilty [READ Ephesians 2:8].

  13. He is loving and loves us [READ 1 John 4:7-8].

  14. He is holy and is perfect [READ Matthew 5:48].

  15. He is glorious making Him infinitely beautiful and great [READ Habakkuk 3:4].

Keep His attributes in mind as you spend time with Him in His Word (the Bible); in your prayer life (talking to Him); and in fellowship (spending time in the body of Christ - God’s people).  He will be revealed to you in deeper and more intimate ways as you seek His attributes in all He shares with you in your intentionality to spend time to know Him better [READ Matthew 11:27]  In that, He will also reveal, piece by piece, on who you are to Him and how He wants His attributes to live in, with, and through you [READ John 14:26].  To glorify Him and to help others around you.  Your purpose in living is honed, focused, and strengthened by knowing God and getting to know Him better in your daily living [READ Hebrews 4:12].


