What kind of roots we have in our life will reflect the outcomes (fruits) from our life [READ Matthew 13:3-8].  No roots, no fruit [READ Matthew 21:19].  Bad roots, bad fruit [READ Matthew 7:15-20].  Good roots, good fruit [READ Colossians 1:10].  We tend to look at the physical stuff in our life (money, goods, belongings, et al) as a reflection of how good our life is but we overlook the true fruits of our life [READ 1 Corinthians 15:50].  Fruits that demonstrate your heart.  Is it a heart of stone (a heart for the world); is it a selfish heart (a heart serving yourself); or do you have change in heart because you are in Christ Jesus (living for Jesus and serving/helping others)?  A heart in Jesus is demonstrated by the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control) [READ Galatians 5:22-23].  Is that the fruit you see in your life and others see in your life?  Pay attention to where your roots are placed [READ Jeremiah 17: 7-8].  Put your roots in Jesus Christ and keep your roots in Jesus Christ and you will have the benefit of the fruit He produces in, with, and through you [READ John 15:1-27].


