Fear of things in this world are largely based on false evidence, appearing real. It is our flesh senses that we were born with (sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste) trained in the ways of this world in our flesh (carnal) nature. They feed into what our mind thinks is going to happen, can happen, and even at times will happen [read Proverbs 29:25]. Our natural senses are feeders into our thought life that are the onramp to our fear. However, the one sense we need to start with is our spiritual sense (our relationship with God) so that we will filter and reposition the data inflow from our senses [read 2 Timothy 1:7]. A spiritual sense that captures our thoughts so that we do not elevate a concern or a worry to a full-blown fear [read 2 Corinthians 10:5]. Statistics say that 91% of our fears are false alarms that never come to fruition and of the remaining 9%, about one third of them have a better outcome then expected [read Deuteronomy 31:6 & Psalm 34:4]. It is a mindset that has you slave to the manipulation of the Evil One to distract you from God’s best [read John 8:44]. It is a flesh process that is being subservient to the laws of the Evil One. It is fearing the things in this world which is the same as having fear (worship) to the Evil One. There is only one to fear which is our father, God [read Matthew 6:34]. Not as an unpleasant emotion of terror, fright, or distress of God but an emotion of great awe (His power and His love for us) that leads to devout (committed) worship to Him for who He is, who is He to me, and who I am to Him [read 1 John 4:18]. A fear of God for unbelievers (the unsaved) means divine judgement and Hell [read 2 Corinthians 4:4] but for us, believers, it means a sense of awe and submission to the source (God) for this awe (fear) [read Romans 8:38-39 & 1 Peter 5:7]. F.E.A.R. (in this world) stands for False Evidence Appearing Real.