It is with great assurance that we  have guaranteed salvation as born again Christ follower but often we forget how we were saved; what we are saved from; and what we are saved to [READ Romans 5:9-10].   As a kind (but key) reminder, it was God’s master rescue plan of sacrificing His only Son, Jesus, to pay for our sins that created the pathway for us to be saved [READ John 3:17].  That saving (salvation) is completed in Jesus Christ when we accept Him as our personal Lord and Savior over and for our life [READ Romans 10:9-10].  What He saved us from is ourselves [READ Romans 3:23].  Ourselves who by default live for this world and all that the devil offers to keep us apart from God [READ John 3:3].  Jesus saved us from separation from God now and forever [READ Mark 16:16].  A separation that leads to an eternal life of pain and suffering [READ Matthew 25:31-46].  To complete the being saved picture, we were saved to being adopted family members in God’s family now and for eternity [READ John 1:12].  Jesus saved us to an eternal life of joy without any pain and suffering.  He saved us to being citizens in God’s Kingdom called Paradise [READ Philippians 3:20-21].  All the elements of being saved are encouragement to us in our daily living and an encouragement to be focused on Him in our daily tasks because all the details of our life are part of His plan which is for our good and for His Glory [READ 2 Corinthians 5:17 & Romans 8:28-30].  A glory that He deserves for saving us [READ Revelation 4:11].  A glory He deserves for being the ultimate servant leader for how He saved us; what He saved us from; and what He saved us to [READ Romans 6:23].


