A compass is an important tool when sailing in open water.  It gives a seafarer the means to identify true north and chart a path of travel based on that true north.  What the compass does not identify are things like weather conditions, water conditions, and other potential obstacles and challenges a seafarer could face in charting their sailing path.  Those conditions do not change the fact or the direction of north on the seafarer’s compass.  Jesus is the true north for our moral compass and, like the physical compass, it does not identify the challenges and obstacles we face in following Jesus as our true north [READ Hebrews 13:8].  The circumstances that occur in that path of our true north do not diminish or change that Jesus is the true north and therefore the correct direction [READ Philippians 1:6].  It requires us to hold the line of our true north regardless of what we face in the path of Jesus as our true north [READ 12:1].  Like the sea, life will toss us around and therefore, it is critical to have a true north so not to get lost in the tossing about [READ Ephesians 4:14].  Therefore, keep that compass in front of you showing Jesus as your true north and persevere through what life throws your way without losing your direction in Jesus as your true north [READ Hebrews 12:2].


