When we pray, God hears more than we say [read 1 John 5:15 & John 14:14].  When we pray, God answers more than we ask [read 1 Peter 3:12].  When we pray, God gives more than we imagine [read Matthew 21:22].  All of this happens in God’s time and timing and all this happens in His way [read Mark 11:24]. It is your flesh nature of wanting it in your timing and in your way that get’s in your way of seeing God at work in your prayer life.  It is your flesh nature of believing what is best for you that gets in the way of seeing God at work in your life and at work in your prayer life.  It is your flesh nature that causes noise in your mind that gets in the way of seeing God’s answers to your prayers.  We think of our needs in our life to have bookends of time across an hour, a day, a week but we don’t think of (or choose not to think of it that way) it as spanning across our lifetime here as subset of eternal living making our lifetime here but a day.  Pray with this in mind and you are more inclined to trust Him in doing greater than you can think or imagine [read Ephesians 3:20-21]. Pray this way and you will lift yourself from the anxiety of your needs [read Philippians 4:6-7].  God is always at work and when, how, and why we pray connect us up to the work He is doing for, in, and through your life [read Philippians 2:13].


