We know that being kind is a good thing and a good thing to do but often we don’t think of being kind with a purpose.  We don’t think of kindness as an extension of purpose.  We might think of kindness on purpose (intentional kindness) but fall short of making it full kindness by having purpose (more than just on purpose) [READ Ephesians 4:32].  The difference is having a purpose that is greater than yourself.  A purpose that transcends beyond yourself to a greater good.  If your purpose is self it will be limited to self [READ Proverbs 11:17].  However, a purpose that is based on Jesus Christ has no limitations [READ Matthew 19:26].  Having kindness attached to such a purpose will transcend your kindness to a Jesus kindness [READ Philippians 2:1-10].  It moves your reason for being kind to others as an extension of sharing the kindness of Jesus to others.  Being kind with the purpose of Jesus is loving others intentionally as part of the Great Commandment (loving God with all our heart and mind and loving others as ourselves) [READ Mark 28:18-20].


