I am a citizen of Heaven so make sure to act as that citizen and not a citizen of this world (we are in this world but not of this world) [read John 18:36].  My behavior (thoughts, words and actions) should reflect my citizenship.  What I prioritize should reflect my citizenship.  My identity is a reflection of my citizenship.  A citizen of heaven through Christ, for Christ, and in Christ  [read Philippians 3:20-21].  To be an ambassador for others to become citizens of heaven through Jesus Christ  [read 1 Peter 2:11].  The characteristics of being a citizen of heaven are displayed as  [read Philippians 4:1-9]:

  • Committed to Christian unity.

  • Rejoices despite the circumstances.

  • Is gracious and gentle in his/her conduct.

  • Prays instead of worrying.

  • Focuses his/her thoughts on what is good.

  • Practically (puts into application) lives out what he/she knows.

Any behavior contrary to behaviors that are part of being citizenship of Heaven , is being someone that I am not (in Christ) [read Luke 16:13].


